Action Steps
Timeline of events & Progress
AAA & EDA Progress & Timeline of Events
Since the summer of 2020, Auburn Adventist Academy, in partnership with the Equity, Diversity & Accountability (EDA) Coalition, have been hard at working towards implementing the action plans listed below. The following timeline gives an overview of events & the work of the Equity, Diversity & Accountability (EDA) Coalition in partnership with AAA.
June 1, 2020:
AAA makes a statement in solidarity and support of the BIPOC community after the killing of George Floyd. After receiving feedback from the community of past grievances, the EDA coalition started formation at the invitation of Auburn Adventist Academy.
June 1-5, 2020:
AAA creates a plan of action moving forward which includes: survey of the greater community, the creation of the Equity, Diversity & Accountability (EDA) coalition and Peter Fackenthall invites Gesele Thomas to serve as chair for the EDA, and schedules a Town Hall meeting. Staff also met and went through some diversity training during post-session of what was taking place and how to grow as a school.
June 7, 2020:
The first Town Hall, “Crucial Conversations,” was held at AAA gymnasium, listening to and taking note of past grievances experienced at AAA. Participants included in-person and those joining via Zoom. (To listen to Town Hall recording, go here: Crucial Conversations — Auburn Adventist® Academy ( and click the recording for June 7, 2020).
June 5-19, 2020:
Phone calls and following up conversations from the survey results of grievances that had been experienced at AAA. Plans for who would serve on the EDA coalition is implemented by Krystalynn Martin, Peter Fackenthall, David Kabanje, and Gesele Thomas.
June 22, 2020:
First EDA Coalition meeting is held at Puyallup church. To learn more about who the EDA Coalition is, go here: Focus Group — Auburn Adventist® Academy (
June 22-August, 2020:
Weekly EDA meetings took place to go over the grievances and form the 4 areas of recommendations for the school, based on the grievances that were brought up. These four areas are: Staffing, Curriculum, Policy & Accountability, and Education & Training. Additionally, EDA leadership meets with Peter Fackenthall throughout the summer, keeping him abreast of the progress.
(To see the EDA Report, go HERE).
August Presession, 2020:
Two days are devoted to staff Diversity Training at AAA.
August, 2020:
EDA report is presented to the Washington Conference Leadership. (To see the EDA report, go HERE).
August Presession, 2020:
EDA report and progress over the summer is presented to AAA Staff. Staff vote yes to accept the Diversity & Inclusion Statement.
August 17, 2020:
EDA report is presented to the AAA board. The board gives endorsement of the report recommendations and the ongoing work of the EDA coalition, thanking them for their work. All parties (EDA, AAA, Wa Conf, & AAA Board) recognize that any policy changes or policy additions will need to take place via AAA board vote.
September 14, 2020:
AAA & Washington Conference officially endorses the EDA report and ongoing work via written and signed letter from Doug Bing & Peter Fackenthall. (See page 2 of the EDA Report).
September 24, 2020:
AAA board votes yes to accept the Diversity & Inclusion Statement presented by the EDA Coalition.
September, 2020:
Diversity & Inclusion Statement is put into the handbook and educated to the student body for the 2020-2021 school year. (See statement in the handbook here, located on page 2: 2021-2022 Handbook - 11-16 Update.pdf - Google Drive ).
October 18, 2020:
EDA Report and Gantt chart is formally presented to the community by Peter Fackenthall at a Town Hall meeting at Mount Tahoma SDA Church via in-person and Zoom, with AAA committing to the goals & recommendations given therein. (All parties are aware that any recommendations that require policy changes or policy additions will require a board vote). Peter Fackenthall thanks the EDA for the work as well as looks forward to continued partnerships moving forward. (To listen/watch the recording of this Town Hall, go here Crucial Conversations — Auburn Adventist® Academy ( and click on the recording for October 18, 2020).
October, 2020:
Gleaner article is released, highlighting the work of the EDA in partnership with AAA. AAA receives feedback from other schools in the Union wanting some help in bettering their school environment. (To read Gleaner article, go here: Auburn Collaborates for Healing Change | Northwest Adventists (
June 2020 - Present:
Monthly (sometimes more frequent than monthly) meetings with Peter Fackenthall take place, giving updates, gaining input, and feedback, and gauging progress of the work, looking at the Gantt chart to gauge progress of the continued work.
March 24, 2021:
NAD Vice President for Education of the North American Division (NAD) Arne Nielsen contacts Peter Fackenthall regarding the work of the EDA in partnership with AAA and asks to highlight the work of the EDA at Auburn on the NAD Education website. To go to that link on the NAD Education website, clickHERE or visit
March & April, 2021:
Gesele Thomas asks professional experts if they are willing to serve on subcommittees to help meet the goals of AAA and the EDA. Subcommittees are formed and begin meeting to help execute the goals and recommendations for the four areas of concern. These subcommittees consist of professional experts in that particular area of concern. All experts are volunteers. (To see a list of subcommittee members, go here: Focus Group — Auburn Adventist® Academy (
June Post-Session 2021:
An afternoon dedicated to staff Diversity and Training is presented by Dr Maynard-Reid at AAA, via Zoom.
June 9, 2021:
AAA board votes to “approve the four subcommittees under the auspices of the EDA coalition.” In addition, the EDA starts the final stage of being added to the school constitution as a standing committee that will give progress reports in relation to equity, diversity, and accountability at AAA. Constitutional change requiring a vote at the Conference Executive Committee on August 31, 2021. All parties are aware that any and all recommendations that require policy changes or additions must first have a board vote to move forward.
Summer of 2021 (May-August):
Subcommittees continue to meet regularly to start fulfilling the recommendations from the EDA report, as well as crafting recommendations that require a board vote to bring to the AAA board. Progress reports are regularly shared with Peter Fackenthall on the work of the EDA subcommittees.
August, 2021:
The Diversity and Inclusion Statement sign is finally hung in the Ad building and gymnasium, as well as educating the student body for the 2021-2022 school year. (Diversity and Inclusion statement had been voted by the board on September 24, 2020). Signage delay due to COVID issues and supply material availability.
August 16-20, 2021:
The Grievance Policy is presented and passed by the AAA staff and the AAA board, taking effect immediately and utilized in the 2021-2022 school year. The Grievance Policy had been a part of the Policy subcommittee that had met all summer of 2021. Additionally, students are trained in what the grievance policy means, how to use it, and sign a commitment form that they will do their part in keeping AAA a safe place for all students. (To see the Grievance Policy, click HERE or go to the student handbook, pages 21-27, found here: 2021-2022 Handbook - 11-16 Update.pdf - Google Drive).
August 31, 2021:
Washington Conference Executive Committee votes and approves the EDA Coalition to be added to Auburn Adventist Academy’s school constitution as a standing committee to meet regularly and give ongoing progress reports to the AAA Board.
September, 2021:
Transformational Leadership Training proposal presented to AAA Admin from Dr. Candies & Dr. Baker as a staff training tool to be implemented throughout the year during certain staff meetings. Still awaiting approval based on dates, finances, and Admin approval & presentation to board.
October 24, 2021:
EDA subcommittee leaders meet with the Wa Conference team and AAA Admin team to present some revisions made to the EDA recommendations to be presented to the AAA board for approval at the November 11, 2021 board meeting. The Wa Conference and AAA Admin team approve the items to be presented.
November 11, 2021:
AAA board tables the recommendations, needing more clarification on revisions and dates to be presented at the January 13, 2022 board meeting.
January 13, 2022:
EDA presents to the AAA Board the timeline of events, clarification of dates, and open discussion for any questions. Request for Board Approval to (a). accept the revisions proposed to the current EDA recommendations; and (b). motion for Dr. Columbus Candies to serve as interim Ombudsman. Board vote Approved. (To see revisions that were approved, go HERE. To see the updated edition of the EDA Report, goHERE).
May 19, 2022:
Dr. Columbus Candies is formally introduced to the students during chapel as the school’s new interim ombudsman. Dr. Candies is introduced by Peter Fackenthall, and a statement regarding the role of an ombudsman is read and explained to the school community. To see a recording of the chapel introducing our new Ombuds, go to the recording on our Facebook page by clicking HERE. To read Auburn Adventist Academy’s statement on the role of ombuds, go to Focus Group — Auburn Adventist® Academy ( scroll down to “Updates.”
September 15, 2022:
AAA School board approves changes to the school constitution to add 2 more additional members to the school board for a total of 14 members who are non-denominationally employed, and that board members will “reflect the ethnic diversity of Auburn Adventist Academy student body.” The motion sent to Washington Conference Executive Committee and approved on October 25, 2022.
Town Halls
To listen to or view our Town Hall meetings, “Crucial Conversations” go here:
Focus Group
Cultural Celebrations
Approval Roadmap
To learn more about the members and work of our Focus Group, the Equity, Diversity & Accountability (EDA) Coalition, as well as our EDA Subcommittees, go here: Focus Group — Auburn Adventist® Academy (
For the past several years, Auburn Adventist Academy has celebrated different cultures represented by the student body through the student-led group, Project Unity. To learn more about Project Unity and the student-led cultural celebration chapels, go here: Culture Celebrations — Auburn Adventist® Academy
The following Gantt Chart tracks the progress and movement of the EDA recommendations becoming actions. The green denotes actions and goals that have been accomplished. The yellow denotes action plans that have started or are in progress, and the red denotes items still needing to get started. This chart is updated every few months as the work progresses.
We are excited to see what God is going to continue to do! If you have questions or concerns, please email us at