Auburn Adventist Academy Alumni


Happy 2025 to Auburn Adventist Academy Alumni! We want you to be aware of a project we are working on to update our Alumni information in our database and create a directory. Every 5 years or so, we partner with a company for this purpose. at the end of the process, the efforts result in a nice hardcover directory of our Alumni. We last did this in 2019. This year, we have partnered with Publishing Concepts (PCI). Over the next several months, they will be reaching out to you to verify and/or update your information. There will be an opportunity to purchase a directory and other Auburn logo products at some point in this process. There is no obligation, and you are welcome to opt out if that is your preference. Our sole reason for doing this is to make sure we have the most updated information, and to be able to stay connected to you. The information collected will ONLY be used for the directory and for updating our internal database and will not be sold or shared in any other way. If you have any questions, please contact Kellie Nunley at (253) 285-4521 or at


AAA continues to be a home and school for countless young adults, providing a safe haven of Christian education and helping to shape them into the leaders of the future. We continue our mission to seek divine wisdom, inspire innovative minds and build eternal relationships.


We would love to hear from you!

Do you have information that you would like us to update in our database? Do you have a special memory of AAA that you would like to share with us? We would love to hear from you!