Taking a Stand for Racial Equity

We at Auburn Adventist Academy are saddened, appalled, and sickened by the senseless deaths of God’s children due to systemic racism. The most recent deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and the gruesome killing of George Floyd are continued evidence that there is a race issue in this country and in the heart of mankind.

We, as followers of a God of love, denounce any form of racism, bigotry, and hatred. We want to stand with our brothers and sisters of color and say with you, enough is enough.

We are so sorry that we have at times remained silent, or have not truly listened, or have unintentionally overlooked the pain that is a daily reality for so many of you. We look forward to ways that we can improve and grow as followers of God in this fight for justice, equality, and love.

We want to extend an invitation of dialogue to our brothers and sisters of color, that we may continue to grow in our understanding, as well as improve our community here at Auburn Adventist Academy. It is our desire that this would be a place that is safe, a place where all God’s children are seen and treated as equal, sacred, and beloved.

We desire and choose to live out Micah 6:8, where God has shown us what He requires of us: to DO justice, to LOVE mercy, and to WALK humbly.

Auburn Adventist Academy Staff & Faculty

Please reach out to Pastor Krystalynn Martin (krystalynn.martin@auburn.org) or Pastor David Kabanje (david.kabanje@auburn.org) to continue dialogue on how we can grow & improve our community.

Katie Russell