School Updates


January 1, 2021

Happy New Year Auburn Family,

I pray that your Christmas Vacation has been restful for all of you. The time has gone by quickly, and we find ourselves in 2021! What a blessing it is to be able to be in school. We are looking forward to seeing AAA students back on campus very soon. You have been missed. It is so wonderful that we can be in school together at Auburn Adventist Academy.We all have academic and life goals in front of us this year. As we finish 1st Semester these next two weeks, here are logistical dates, details, thoughts and goals for us all:

• Start the year with a renewed plan for being healthy! Eat nutritious meals, get exercise every day and bless yourself by getting good rest and sleep every night. The average teenager needs 9 hours of sleep each night. Let's make this a priority together.

• January 4-8 is 1st Semester Wrap-Up and Review. During this week, put great work in finishing your semester strong and in preparing for your semester finals.

• January 11-14 is 1st Semester Finals. A finals schedule will be shared with everyone next week. Remember, preparing for a test is best done over time. Spend time every day studying for your finals. Here is a link to Purdue University's plan for having a successful finals week.

In preparing for the rest of the year, I have also attached a document that lists out the major dates for the remainder of the year. As conditions change, we hope to be able to add additional activities and events to our calendar.God Bless and Happy New Year!

Peter Fackenthall

July 30 , 2020 - (3)-page-001 (1).jpg

July 28, 2020

"What I want people to know is the biggest determinant of whether or not we can go back to school actually has little to nothing to do with the actual schools – it's your background transmission rate…" Jerome Adams, Surgeon General of the United States