Faithful Through the Storm
Western Washington Mission Academy cir. 1925
Recently Hollywood produced the movie “1917”. It’s the story centered in France on the western front during WWI. Two young soldiers risked their lives to deliver a message that would save thousands of soldiers. During this same timeframe, there was also another enemy called the Spanish Influenza that was taking millions of lives silently. The world was going through perilous times and yet our pioneers cast a vision during these times to settle a Christian Adventist school on the plateau between the green and white rivers. Western Washington Missionary Academy would begin its first year in 1919. Even though the world was at war and the flu was silently taking lives, faithful men & women pressed forward to settle our beloved school. Auburn Adventist Academy would endure the great depression, WWII, and various fires that would consume critical structures. But Auburn Adventist Academy has pressed on. We’ve seen lean years and rapid changes of leadership but through it, all students have been welcomed each August and with pride marched up the Gymnasium center aisle for Graduation each and every year.
Today a new enemy seeks to undermine our beloved school. As the CoronaVirus began to slowly make its way into America via Seattle we closed down the school early and continued supporting the student’s educational needs through distance learning. Two days later the decision was made by the University of Washington to also close their campus and dormitories. This has not been an easy time for our students or staff. We had to cancel our Hearts of Gold gathering that specifically raises funds for financial aid for the students most in need. We suspended all mission trips that students anticipate and work so hard to raise funds for. We don’t know what will happen next but here is what we believe ever so deeply. The same God that raised and planted Auburn Adventist Academy will guide, protect and support the continuation of this much needed Christian campus.
Every alumnus who can look back to their time on this beautiful campus with love and favor, each one that found lifelong friendships and gained educational tools to go forward with positive aspirations, we are asking you to be a part of God’s plan of support and encouragement. We need your prayers and gifts of love. These are truly challenging times but they are also opportunities for God to do exceptional miracles in the midst of a storm. Thank you for being a part of Auburn Adventist Academy and thank you for being a part of that miracle.
Article Written By: Pastor Jay Coon