Still Going Strong in the Midst of Covid-19
Written by Peter Fackenthall, Principal of AAA
Four weeks ago, on March 5, the students, faculty, and staff gathered together in Dower Auditorium to talk about what was about to take place. Auburn Adventist Academy was preparing to transition to Distance Learning, sending the dorm students home and everyone, students, faculty and staff to do school away from campus until the end of March. Well, the end of March has come and gone, and we are still doing Distance Learning and will be doing so until May 4, or later depending on what is required.
Distance Learning, video conferencing and video classroom are all concepts that are now part of the daily life at AAA. As we have organized ourselves to continue learning and growing together, being together has taken on a whole new meaning. It now means being in the same video conference, working on projects on the same document from different locations and it means coming together for prayer and worship without being in one place...instead, we are all of one mind. The mindset we are in, during these challenging times, is that all of us at AAA, and beyond, will survive and persevere, coming through this situation better than we were going in. Knowing that God has a plan for all of our future provides stability and certainty that gives us comfort. While we don’t know the future, we know who is in control. Infinite blessings and prayers for us all.