The God Who Feels
"You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected." Matthew 24:44
Most of us are too young to remember anything like this happening in our lives before. All the toilet paper is gone. Our school and activities are canceled or closed. To a lot of people, it looks like the end. People are in a state of panic because no one has answers for them. Others are repenting and holding up signs on street corners “Are you going to heaven?”
We are so lucky to have such a powerful God. He never said this life would be easy. He never said that He would just take our pain away if we spent “enough” time with Him and prayed hard enough. He said that He would feel our every emotion with us and that He would be there during the rough times when it felt like no one else was.
So I encourage you, especially during this time of confusion and unknown, to keep calm, and keep your eyes on that heavenly prize and live for Him each day!
Written by Mina, AAA Student