
Self-care is important, and we all know this.

It’s been said over and over again, but do we know what that even means?

A lot of times, it’s painted as taking a long bath with bath bombs and music as we sip our favorite drink and maybe read a book, or sometimes it’s seen as buying something you’ve been wanting for a while as a treat for yourself.

While the act of self-care can cover these, it can also be things that are a lot smaller or simple.

Sometimes, self-care can be making sure you drink enough water or making your bed in the morning, or even just slowing down for a few seconds and letting yourself breathe.

Self-care is, at its core, caring for yourself. Checking in with yourself and making sure you have the things you need to be the best you.

Self-care is important, because not only will you be ready to handle what life throws at you, but it makes it easier to help others when they need it.

By: Kar’Lee Terry